A Victory for Christians and Everyone Who Uses Natural Remedies

A Victory for Christians and Everyone Who Uses Natural Remedies

A significant ruling by Honorable Federal Chief Judge Aiken on September 24th has ruled that a Christian Bishop Master Herbalist may continue to pray with people and hand them a cup of herbal tea”. The FDA bullied and tried to extort money from Bishop Dr. Truman J. Berst in August of 2010. He sued them. Being a minister under a vow of poverty that serves the poor and the 5000 members of Good Shepherd Ministries not having enough money to defend the ministry, and the FDA won. Then the FDA sued the minister. Since the church was poor, it was a NO FAIR CONTEST, and they won again. During this process he lost his home of 20 years to the Bank of America Home Loan Modification Foreclosure Extortion Racket in May of 2012. Then the FDA continued to bully the church and filed a motion for an order to show cause why defendant Truman J. Berst should not be held in civil contempt in Federal United States District Court, Eugene, Oregon. The FDA had their expensive and powerful attorney, John W. Burke, (plus eight agents ready to testify, that were never called to testify). Honorable Chief Judge Aiken ruled that Bishop Dr. Truman J. Berst did comply. The FDA was instructed to go after potato chip manufacturers, and leave herbal remedies alone. Further, she ruled that the FDA should not file any more documents regarding this case and instead, if they have any more issues with this case that they should call her on the telephone.


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May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever more, Amen.

Bishop Dr. Truman Berst
Master Herbalist for over 50 years

Home# 503-362-5899

call for free consultation