Allergy season is here!!


Allergy season is here!!

An allergy is an overaggressive immune response triggered by ingesting certain foods, touching certain substances, or inhaling an irritant such as pollen or animal dander. Allergies to pollen, spores, mold, and dust (also called hay fever or allergic rhinitis) affect the respiratory system and are usually the most difficult to control.

Symptoms of hay fever are sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes and nose, and headache. Hay fever is often seasonal (when pollen is in the air), but if constantly exposed to an offending substance (e.g., pet dander), symptoms can last year-round.

Allergies are often associated with weak adrenal, immune, and digestive functions. Natural treatments are used to support and improve those functions and to alleviate hay fever symptoms.

For seasonal allergies, beginning natural treatments 1–2 months before the season starts can help reduce the severity of symptoms.

Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals

Quercetin/nettle– Take 2-3 capsules daily.

When symptoms are severe, take up to 6 capsules. Bioflavonoids are natural antihistamines and strongly anti-allergenic.

Bromelainis used for reducing swelling (inflammation), especially of the nose and sinuses.

Vitamin C – Take 1-3 capsules 2 to 3 times daily or to bowel tolerance. (Bowel tolerance is the amount of vitamin C that can be taken without causing diarrhea. This amount is different for each person and can change if the need increases because the body is stressed, injured, or ill.)

Vitamin C can enhance the action of bioflavonoids.

Truman’s Fiber w/ Bentonite Clay -Take 1 tbsp daily.


Acidophilus– Take 1/4 teaspoon, half an hour before meals, one or more times per day. Probiotics are bowel microflora organisms—microscopic bacteria that normally inhabit the intestines.

Intramax – is an all-in-one liquid dietary supplement. This great-tasting natural formula contains over 415 essential ingredients derived from whole food sources such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs. 415+ Ingredients:71 Organically-bound Trace Minerals(full spectrum; plant-derived),100% Carbon-bond Organic®Essential Fatty Acids, Organic Electrolytes, Super Green Foods, Digestive Enzymes, Seeds and Sprouts, Vitamin Sources, Macro Minerals, Protein Minerals, Essential Sugars, Bioflavonoids, Antioxidants, Essential Oils, Amino Acids, Carotenoids, Vegetables, Fulvic Acid ,Aloe Vera, Probiotics, Fibers, Fruits, Herbs, Silver, & Noni with a (Peach Mango Flavor).

Vitamin A– Take 35,000 IUs daily.

Vitamin E– Take 400 IUs daily.

Chelated Zinc– Take 50 mg daily.

 Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicines rarely have significant side effects when used appropriately and at suggested doses. Occasionally, an herb at the prescribed dose causes stomach upset or headache. This may reflect the purity of the preparation or added ingredients, such as synthetic binders or fillers. For this reason, it is recommended that only high-quality products be used. As with all medications, more is not better and overdosing can lead to serious illness and death.

Some of the herbs used to treat hay fever symptoms are as follows:

Dong quai– Used as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.

Nettles/Eyebright – Reduces congestion and secretions. It is good for itchy eyes, sneezing, and excess mucus and Used as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.

Gingko– Contains bioflavonoids and is used as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Milk thistle – Helps reduce allergic, inflammatory, and histaminic reactions and supports liver function.

Red clover – Helps build the body’s resistance to allergies.

Yarrow – Reduces congestion and secretions.


Good health can help ease allergy symptoms, and good health starts with nutrition.

Eat a moderately low-fat, high-complex-carbohydrate diet.

Drink 1/2 of body weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., a 150 lb person would drink 75 oz of water).

  • Include a lot of the following foods in the diet:
  • Dark green, leafy vegetables
  • Deep yellow and orange vegetables
  • Nettles, bamboo shoots, cabbage, beet tops, beets, carrots, yams
  • Onions, garlic, ginger, cayenne, horseradish

Eliminate the following from the diet:

  • Alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products
  • Bananas and citrus fruit
  • Chocolate
  • Food colorings (tartrazine)
  • Peanuts
  • Red meat
  • Sugar
  • Wheat



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