Antiviral Formula


These herbs are known to assist in healing viral infections.

Elderberry Flower, Olive Leaf, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Wild Oregano Oil, Astragalus Root, Skullcap Leaf, Lobelia Leaf, Eleuthero Root, Licorice Root, Bladderwrack, Saw Palmetto Berries, Burdock Root, Fenugreek Seed, Barberry Root, Gentian Root, Mullein Leaf, Elecampane Root, Self-Heal Herb, Nettle Root, Poke Root, Plantain Leaf, Cayenne Root.

Ailments, sickness and disease are most commonly caused by and/or exacerbated by our lifestyle choices. Ingesting plenty of clean water with organic nutrient dense foods/ supplements, getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly, and avoiding things like processed foods, drugs, alcohol and excessive device time can dramatically increase our quality of life and our overall lifespan.

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Caution: High doses may cause dizziness, mental confusion and/or irregular pulse rate. Do not give to children under six years of age. Hypoglycemics should use caution, as ginseng lowers blood sugar levels. Should not be taken when there are headaches, hypertension, hot flashes or anxiety. Not recommended for pregnant or breast feeding women. Do not take if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, have cirrhosis of the liver, have ulcers or when stomach irritation or inflammation is present. Can aggravate acne in some people. May lower blood pressure and heart rate. May potentiate heart medications. May potentiate diuretic drugs. Should not be used in large doses because it can irritate the gastro-intestinal tract and will cause vomiting. Keep out of reach of children.

For a natural health consultation, call 503-362-5899 Or write to: