Bee Pollen Granules

Bee Pollen Granules alt


Bee pollen actually contains all of the nutrients you need to live. It improves your metabolism, dissolves then flushes fat cells from your body due to the high percentage of lecithin, lowers cholesterol levels and reduces food cravings. Athletes often use bee pollen for endurance, strength, stamina and mental clarity.

Nicotinic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid, Calcium, Choline, Copper, Iron, Lecithin, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Silicon, Sulfur, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, E and K.


Ailments, sickness and disease are most commonly caused by and/or exacerbated by our lifestyle choices. Ingesting plenty of clean water with organic nutrient dense foods/ supplements, getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly, and avoiding things like processed foods, drugs, alcohol and excessive device time can dramatically increase our quality of life and our overall lifespan.

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Caution: Do not use if you are allergic to bees.

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