


Botanical name: Lycopus virginicus

Origin: China

Therapeutic actions: Anti-dandruff; Antithyroid; Astringent; Bitter; Cardiac; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Hemostatic; Hypoglycemic; Narcotic; Sedative; Tonic.

Nutrients: Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C.

Drug interactions: Interacts with thyroid hormones.

Description: It has been used to treat an overactive thyroid gland and the racing heartbeat that often accompanies this condition.

Internal uses: It also slows and strengthens heart contractions. The plant has been shown to be of value in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. It has been used for coughs and bleeding from the lungs. It has also increased the appetite and relieved pain. Other uses: diarrhea, fevers, nervous indigestion and pain.

Suggested dosage: 1—2 grams daily. Tincture: 1—2 ml 3 times daily. Do not exceed recommended dosage.


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