Category Archives: Antibiotic

Garlic Bulb

Summary:   For a natural health consultation, call 503-362-5899 Or write to: [...]

Bee Propolis

Summary: Bee Propolis is the resin from tree bark and flowers that bees collect to [...]

Bee Pollen Granules

Summary: Bee pollen actually contains all of the nutrients you need to live. It improves [...]

Ear Infections

To access this post, you must purchase Dr. Truman's Natural Health System - Monthly Membership, [...]

Turmeric Root

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Herb: TURMERIC ROOT Botanical name: Curcuma longa Origin: India Therapeutic actions: Anti-bacterial; Antioxidant; Anti-coagulant; [...]

Burdock Root

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Herb: BURDOCK ROOT Botanical name: Arctium lappa Origin: USA/China Therapeutic actions: Alterative; Anti-scorbutic; Anti-bacterial; [...]

Momordica a.k.a Bitter Melon

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Herb: MOMORDICA a.k.a BITTER MELON Botanical name: Momordica charantia Origin: China Therapeutic actions: Antibiotic; [...]

Arnica Flower

Summary: Arnica comes from the sub-alpine regions of western North America. It can also be [...]

Andrographis Leaf

Summary: Andrographis (Andrographis paniculate) is a plant native to South Asian countries. It is commonly [...]


Allspice — also known as Jamaican pepper, pimienta, or newspice — is a single spice [...]

Aloe Vera Leaf

Summary: There are more than 300 species of the aloe plant, but Aloe barbadensis (aka [...]