Absorbent: Attaches to other substances and either neutralizes or renders harmless
Adaptogen: A plant property that increases the resistance to stress
Alternative: Alters the existing nutritive and excretory processes and gradually restores normal body function
Analgesic: A plant property that relieves pain
Anodyne: Relieves pain externally
Antacid: Corrects acid conditions in the stomach, bowels, and blood
Anthelmintic: Expels or destroys intestinal worms
Anti-abortive: Counteracts abortive tendencies
Anti-arthritic: Relieves and heals arthritic conditions
Anti-asthmatic: Relieves asthma
Anti-bilious: Eliminates a biliary or jaundice condition in the body
Antibiotic: Inhibits growth and destroys viruses and bacteria
Anti-catarrhal: Eliminates mucus conditions
Anti-depressant: Relieves symptoms of depression
Anti-emetic: Relieves stomach sickness; prevents vomiting
Antihistamine: Neutralizes the effects of histamine in an allergic reaction
Anti-hydropic: Eliminates excess body fluids or dropsy
Anti-inflammatory: To counteract and diminish inflammation and its effects on the body
Anti-lithic: Helps prevents the formation of gravel and stones
Antioxidant: A plant property that prevents free radicals of oxidative tissue or cell damage
Anti-periodic: Relieves malarial-type fevers and chills
Anti-phlogistic: Reduces inflammation or swelling
Antipyretic: Reduces temperature in fevers
Anti-rheumatic: Prevents, relieves, and cure rheumatism
Anti-scorbutic: Prevents and cures scurvy
Anti-scrofulus: Heals scrofula (tubular condition of the lymph nodes)
Antiseptic: Prevents the growth of bacteria
Antispasmodic: Relieves nervous irritability and reduces or prevent excessive muscular contractions
Anti-syphilitic: Relieves and cures syphilis or other venereal diseases
Anti-venomous: Use as antidotes to animals, vegetables and mineral poisons
Anti-zymotic: Destroys or arrests the action of bacterial organisms
Aperient: Mild laxative, softens stool without purging
Aphrodisiac: Increases sexual functions and desires.
Aromatic: Has fragrant smell with a pungent and spicy taste, which stimulates the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane
Astringent: Increases tissue tone and firmness, contracts tissue
Balsamic: Mitigate, soothe and heal inflamed parts
Bitter: The bitter taste on the tongue stimulates bile and digestive juices, preventing indigestion and gas
Blister: Cause blistering on the skin when applied locally
Calefacient: Used as diffusive stimulants and which cause capillary circulation, giving an external sense of warmth
Cardiac Depressant: Lessen and are sedative to the heart’s action
Cardiac Stimulant: Used to increase and give greater power to the heart’s action
Carminative: Contains a volatile oil that expels gas from the stomach, intestines, and bowels
Cathartic: Causes rapid evacuation of the bowels
Caustic: Burn or destroy living tissue
Cell Proliferant: Promote rapid healing and restoration
Cephalic: Particularly healing to cerebral conditions and diseases
Cholagogue: Promotes the flow of bile
Condiment: Used to season or flavor food, increases digestive activity
Coloring Agent: Used for coloring or dyeing purposes
Cordial: Combine the properties of a warm stomach and a cardiac stimulant
Corrective: used to alter and lessen the severity of action of other herbs, especially cathartics or purgatives
Cosmetic: Tonics for the skin and are used to improve the complexion and beautify the skin
Counter-Irritant: Cause irritation by local application in one part and therapeutically relieve pain in another more deep-seated part
Demulcent: Relieves internal inflammation, gives protective coating
Dental Anodyne: Used locally to relieve pain from an exposed nerve filament in the tooth
Deobstruent: Overcomes obstructions, aperients
Deodorant: Eliminates foul odors
Depresso-motors: Diminish muscular movement by action on the spinal centers
Depurant: Removes impurities and cleanses the blood
Desiccant: Able to dry surfaces by absorbing moisture
Detergent: Cleansing to wounds, ulcers, etc. and to the skin itself
Diaphoretic: Increases perspiration, stimulating, neutral, relaxing
Digestant: Contain ferments and acids, that aid in the solution and digestion of food
Diluent: Dilute secretions and excretions
Discutient: Dissolves and removes tumors and abnormal growths
Disinfectant: Eliminate or destroy the noxious properties of decaying organic matter and prevent the spreading or transfer of infection
Diuretic: Increase flow of urine, removes water from the body
Drastic: Hyper-active cathartics, producing violent peristalsis, watery stools and griping pain
Emetic: Induce vomiting
Emmenagogue: Female correctives to the reproduction organs, which stimulate and promote a healthy menstrual function, flow, and discharge
Emollient: Applied externally to soften and soothe the skin
Errhine: Increases nasal secretions from the sinuses
Exanthematous: Healing to skin eruptions or to skin diseases of an eruptive nature
Excito-motor: Increase motor reflex and spinal activity
Expectorant: Removes mucus from nose, throat, lungs and bronchial passages
Febrifuge: Reduces fever
Galactogogue: Increases the secretion of milk
Galactaphyga: Diminishes or stops the secretion of milk
Hemostatic: Internally astringent, stops internal bleeding or hemorrhaging
Hemetic: Rich in iron and manganese, augment and enrich the red blood cells
Hepatic: Used to strengthen, tone and stimulate liver secretions
Herpatic: Healing to skin eruptions and scaling diseases such as ringworm
Hypnotic: Powerful nervine relaxants and sedatives that induce sleep
Hypertensive: Used to increase blood pressure
Hypotensive: Used to lower blood pressure
Iatrogenic: Literally, “physician induced”, conditions, diseases, or other adverse reactions caused as a result of medical treatment
Insecticide: Used to destroy insects
Irritant: Produce a greater or lesser degree of vascular excitement when applied to the skin surface
Laxative: Promotes bowel action, a mild purgative
Lithotriptic: Stimulates and cleanses the lymphatic system
Local Anesthetic: Produce loss of sensation where applied locally to a surface
Maturating: Promote the maturation or ripening of tumors, boils, ulcers, etc.
Mucilage: Soothes inflammation
Mydriatic: Causes dilation of the pupil
Myotic: Causes contraction of the pupil muscles
Narcotic: Powerful anodyne-hypnotics
Nauseant: Produces nausea or an inclination to vomit
Nephritic: Influences the kidneys and are healing in kidney complaints
Nervine: A tonic to the nervous system
Nutritive: Nourishing and building to body tissues
Ophthalmic: Healing to disorders and diseases of the eyes
Oxytocic: Assists labor and promotes easy childbirth
Parasiticide: Kills and removes parasites from the skin
Parturient: Kill or destroy animal and vegetable parasites within the body
Pectoral: Helps relieve chest and respiratory problems
Peristaltic: Stimulates and increases muscular contractions
Protective: Serve as protective coverings to abraded, inflamed or injured parts when applied locally to a surface
Pungent: Cause a sharp, pricking, acrid and penetrating sensation to a sense organ
Purgative: Causes strong bowel movement
Refrigerant: Have cooling properties, lower the body temperature and relieve thirst
Resolvent: Promote the dispersion of inflammatory deposits and their absorption into excretory channels
Rubefacient: Stimulate redness and increased blood supply to the skin
Sedative: Reduces excitement and nervous reactions
Sialagogue: Promotes increased flow of saliva
Soporific: Induces a relaxing sleep, which cause sneezing
Stimulant: Increase energy and quickens the actions of the body system
Stomachic: Gives strength and tone to the stomach
Styptic: Contracts tissues or blood vessels, checks bleeding
Sudorific: Stimulates profuse sweating when taken hot and acts as a tonic when taken cold
Taeniafuge/Taeniacide: Expel or kill tapeworms in the intestinal track
Tonic: Increases energy and systemic tone through nutrition
Vermicide: Expels and destroys worms without expulsion from the bowels
Vermifuge: Expels and destroys worms be expelling from the bowels
Vulnerary: Promotes cellular growth, heals cuts, burns and wounds