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Thanks for helping my mom with her health issues. She can’t stop talking about you. Good stuff

Winston Walker

No Title

You won’t remember me, but I met you several times when I lived in Oregon. You are a truly amazing man and I never had an opportunity to thank you for the desire to learn more about the power of herbs. My wife and I have our own herb business now and it’s thanks to you. Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom.

Tracy Mitchell

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After meeting Dr. Truman I ewe as able to utilize his holistic intelligence to network it our to others and myself that may benefit from his knowledge on holistic health control.

His expertise and experience has definitely convinced and explained how to take control of our bodies.
Dr. Truman is a great resource for holistic practices

Kamal Al-Adil

Thank you! The herbs are amazing!

I have been using the blood pressure kit and diabetes kit and it works wonders! A lot of people try things and are not consistent with it! Stay consistent! Thank you for all you do!

Takeeya Reddick

No Title

Dr. Truman Berst I just want to say thank you so very much for helping me my blood sugar levels have been in the normal range as well as my blood pressure i have used your herbs and yes they do work i thank the Most High Ahayah bahasham Yashaya wa Qadash Rawach! for many blessings to you and your family.

Karen Michelle Johnson-Lum

No Title

Hello Dr. Truman, had the pleasure of seeing one of your presentation youtube. I have been diagnosed with Lupus and on medication. Also have lots of fatigue, not able to focus or think clearly, short term memory problems. I would like to book a consultation to see what herbal treatments is available. Very difficult to find the website, its all in chinese I took a change and click on this one. Please refer me to the right site, if this is the wrong one.


A Powerful journey with The Most High Almighty bringing along Herbs.

Feel the love and care upon me through Dr Truman brought through him from TMH. His knowledge expertise to.prescube a detailed health plan to work for me you to improve your health through natural means amd herbs biblical resourses. His offer of support to get through tough situations Being present 100 percent in this walk journey with determination and faith in Ahayah the father and Yashaya Christ his son and wa Rawach Qadaah her the holy spirit. Praises glory to our father first most, and he continue to bless Dr Truman for his ministry.

Sandy R Naphatali

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Hello Dr. Truman Berst, I had to stop by to say thanks for all your help and recommendations. Me and my family highly appreciate your compassion and dedication helping us and others. We had to call numerous times and whenever we missed you, you always got back with us promptly. May the Most High continue to bless you and your family!

Thanks again,
God Bless

Brother Mike

Abdominal pains

I went to Temple Hospital for abdominal pains they gave me a MRI told me i had a enlarged appendix.So i went home google it said it can b a rare cancer called PMP. So my next Dr appointment i mentioned this he told me not to worry n scheduled me for a endoscopy n colonscopy i havent heard from them since procedure

Andre Strickland

It is Melinda Jacobson from (now Utah)

Hi Truman,
It is Melinda Jacobson from (now Utah). I am sending a picture so that you remember who I am that is bugging you all the time. We met in Oregon just over 15 years ago. My how the time flies…. Wow that picture is a little big. So sorry. I don’t know how to make it smaller. Oh jeesh I will also attach a family picture. I am sure you remember my parents. Most of the grandkids in the picture would not be here if I had not met you all those years ago. Actually all but the 2 oldest boys got here with your help. That is a big deal….. I have a new challenge in my life that I am tackling head on and would like your input. I had a total hysterectomy in Oct. because we found A-typical cells in my uterus lining. Everything is great, no cancer, I am so blessed. But the strangest thing has happened since….. My HA1C has jumped to 6.2 from 5.2 so this puts me so close to diabetes. I started a month ago taking my mom’s Diabetes Formula Drops that she got from you several years ago. The formula # is 1029 I think. The bottle is pretty worn. I have worked up to 20 drops 3x daily. I feel amazing!!!!!! I have cut my calories to 1,600-1,700 a day and no more than 150 carbs per day. I lost 13 lbs. in just a little over 2 weeks which is wonderful. I am also taking 15 drops of the Dandelion Root drops and my blood pressure dropped and is maintaining normal again…. YAY FOR ME!!!! My budget is limited at this time since we are sending our oldest son on an LDS mission for 2 years so I guess I need to know if I am making the best choice in choosing your products. I will give you a list here of what I am taking on a daily basis….

1: Morning – 20 drops Diabetes Formula

15 drops Dandelion Root

2- 200 mcg. GTF Chromium

1 Protandum (ingredients:Calcium 77 mg. , 675 mg. proprietary blend of Milk thistle extract, Bacopa extract, Ashwaganda extract, Green tea extract, Turmeric Extract.

Lunch & dinner: 20 drops Diabetes formula, Dandelion Root 10-15 drops. Just one more GTF chromium so a total of 600 MCG per day.

Bed time I take 300mg. of Perika

I am also on Bio-identical Estrogen which saved me. I went 7 months without any hormone supplementation and just could not stand it one more day. I had terrible memory loss, tears almost everyday, forgetting my words mid-sentence and moodswings from hell. The Bio-indenticals have been such a blessing. I just applied day number 30 today. I have a recheck of my hormones in Aug. Truman in all the research I did pre- surgery I found that having estrogen with not progesterone is a good thing. I am seeing a Nurse Practioner who is wonderful but she wants me only on the estrogen. In my mind and research even with out my ovaries that is not a good thing. You have to have progesterone to keep balance with the estrogen or it can go crazy and cause problems. One being cancer. Am I wrong? Is estrogen without progesterone ok when you are missing your ovaries? I would really appreciate your opinion. My spirit is still feeling pretty strongly that it needs to be balanced and I can’t seem to get past it. I guess what it comes down to is I have not yet found any information stating that is it ok to just be on the estrogen.
I looked through your product list online and could not find the Diabetes formula that I have now. Is there a replacement I could order? I will be ready in a couple of weeks for more. Also since these are about 13 years old (my moms old drops) have they lost some of their potency? When I get the new ones will I continue on with 20drops? The ingredients in this formula are as follows: Huckleberry leaf, Yarrow flower,Juniper berry, golden seal root,Cayenne pepper. I think that is it like I mentioned before this bottle is pretty old and not very legible.
Truman I have trusted your inspiration and vast knowledge for so many years now and would so much appreciate your insight again. You were brought to me all those years ago as an answer to my prayers and the prayers of my family. I will never be able to thank you enough. Please let me know your thoughts and feelings about what I should consider as a “best option for Melinda”. I don’t want diabetes, I can’t do diabetes, I will not do diabetes.” Thank you so much for your time, consideration and prayers. I hope you enjoy our sweet family picture I will send it as an attachment. This was taken 2 months before my sweet mom passed away.

Tons of love,
Melinda Jacobson

Melinda Jacobson

No Title

Thanks Dr. Berst for all that you do to help others in their quest for better health through natural God-given means without all of the harmful side effects. You are a blessing to the Kingdom of God because you are a blessing to His people. Truly, the Most High is blessing you.

Judy Keys

No Title

Thanks for adding me Dr. Truman Berst I love your work and how you have helped so many people including me! Be Blessed and keep up this good work!

Grace M. Dunham

I need help

Hello Truman, I’m in need of help. Smoking cigarettes is one of my biggest down fall. I’ve tried going cold turkey and that didn’t work at all. I have three sons, my oldest had partial of his immunizations as well as my second son. And around that time I came into the truth and that’s when I stop going to the doctor’s, I didn’t have my third son to get it. Now what I do see is that my two sons have behavioral problems and it’s sometimes I see some learning problems as well. I need help!

Thank You! Cierra

Cierra Lovejoy Lovejoy

Just stopping by…

Just stopping by to say..THANK YOUUUU!!!!..For Putting in the WORK!!!!….


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