Parasite Cleanse Kit

How do we get parasites?

More then 90% of Americans have some kind of parasites. We pick up parasites and worms in the foods we eat, the animals we touch, the water we drink, lakes and beaches we visit, the parks, from day to day contact with other people, and etc. You may be showing some of the symptoms associated with parasitic infection without knowing it, because these symptoms are often contributed to more well-known causes. Most people don’t even know they are infected.

Many people do not show symptoms. However, for those that do, here are just some of the common ones:

Abdominal pain


B-12 deficiency
Blindness /Worsening vision
Central nervous system impairment
Chest pain
Chronic fatigue
Cognitive impairment
Digestive disturbance
Enlargement of various organs
Immunodeficiency / Get sick easily
Iron dificiency
Itchy anus
Joint Pain
Lung congestion
Memory loss
Muscle spasms
Nausea / Vomiting
Night sweats
Swelling of facial features
Skin ulcers
Unusual Sweating
Unusual Weight loss or weight gain
Weakness or fatigue

Common parasites that infect humans:

Round Worms

The World Health Organization reports that over one billion people are currently infected by the round worm. One billion! They can grow to 15 inches in the length, and they are incredible breeders, producing over 200,000 eggs each day! They grow in such large quantities so quickly that it is not uncommon for infected people to experience intestinal blockage. Advanced cases may affect the liver and pancreas.

Round Worm Symptoms: Symptoms may include rashes (from the worm secretions of their waste), stomach pain, asthma, insomnia, eye pain, and more.

Tape Worms

Human tape worms get their name from being long and flat, like a piece of tape. Tape worms in humans are the longest of parasitic worms, normally growing to about 9 to 15 feet in length, but they can sometimes grow out of control to more than 50 feet in length. Tapeworm infections typically happen when a person eats undercooked meat or some kind of contaminated food.

A human tape worm absorbs it’s nutrients right through it’s skin. The tape worm will attach themselves to a person’s intestines, let their body hang out, and begin absorbing nutrients from the digested food as it flows past and over its body. As time goes on, the tapeworm grows a tail made of segments, with each segment of its body containing a complete and independent digestive system and reproduction system. This body grows in length and eventually can break off, carrying with it eggs that will spawn new tape worms.

Tapeworm Symptoms: Typically, tapes worms are asymptomatic, meaning a person will not even know they have a tape worm infection until the tapeworms become quite large. But in some people, symptoms of tapeworms may include dizziness, diarrhea, stomach pain, headaches, and nausea. In the worst cases, and if left untreated, a person with a tapeworm infection may have intestinal obstruction that requires surgery. Tapeworm treatment should be sought after with a good parasite detox product which will wipe out a tapeworm infection.

Pin Worms

The pinworm is quite common in humans, especially in children, where some countries show an infection rate as high as 61% according to the Center of Disease Control. Human pinworms are one of the most prevalent parasitic infections in modern countries. The pinworm infections are passed on through touching things that have previously been touched by infected individuals, or people who have previously touched a pin worm infected area and picked up the pin worm eggs on their fingers.

Pinworms Symptoms: One third of people infected with pinworms show no symptoms at all. The other two thirds have symptoms such as itching in and around the anus. This in turn may cause insomnia and general restlessness in those infected.

Pinworms are easily passed from one family member to another. Pinworm treatment is advised.


Microscopic hookworm larvae penetrate the skin and burrow into the body, and begin their trek to your small intestine. Once there, they attach to your intestinal wall and begin feeding on your blood voraciously, damaging the mucosa.

Hookworms can grow to about 1/2 inch in the length. It is estimated that over 1 billion individuals worldwide are infected with the hookworm.

There are no typical symptoms with hookworm infections. However, due to loss of iron from all the blood loss, anemia is likely, and that can cause mental dullness, loss of appetite, and if left untreated, cardiac failure or even death are a possibility.

Ever wonder why dogs are typically not allowed on beaches? Dogs are kept off of beaches because if a hookworm infested canine defecates in the sand and later a human steps or lies on this spot, they can become infected.

In children, hookworms cause growth and intellectual retardation.

Giardia Parasite

Health organizations believe Giardia is the most common intestinal parasite in humans. One becomes infected by Giardia by coming in contact with contaminated food, water, or soil.

There is power in numbers, and the Giardia parasite coats your lower intestine with millions of its kind, affecting your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Symptoms include stomach or abdominal cramping, gas, diarrhea, fatigue, chills, and nausea.


The human whipworm gets its name due to the fact that it looks like a whip. It is estimated that over 500 million people are infected with the whipworm.

Infection occurs through the ingestion of eggs that are usually found in dry good such as rice, beans, and other grains.

The adult whipworm burrows its thinner end into the large intestine, where it will grow up to 2 inches in length. The whipworm produces up to 10,000 eggs per day.

Symptoms may include long standing blood loss which may lead to anemia due to iron deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency is also a possibility.

 Parasite Video:

So now, how do we get rid of parasites if we suspect we have them?


Follow this parasite cleanse protocol for 90 days and eliminate any parasites you might have.

1 – WEAKEN or neutralize parasites so they will release their hold in the body. We recommend using raw garlic and/or garlic capusles (3 daily with meals). This step usually takes a 10-30 days. Also take supergreen foods liquid as well as eat cleansing foods to get or keep the bowels moving. Such as: oranges, tangerines, papayas, prunes, figs, dates, apples, mangoes, kiwis, berries, Kale, broccoli, celery, lettuce, spinach, beets, corn, brussel sprouts, turnips, artichokes, parsnips, Almonds, whole flax seeds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, & sunflower seeds.

2 – FLUSH parasites and their toxins from the body with paracan parasite removal formula. Begin with 10 days on, then 10 days off, then 10 days on again, for 90 days. Suggested Use:  ½- 1 tablespoon, straight or in water/juice every 3-4 times per day. Also use Diatomaceous earth by taking 1 tablespoon daily in juice, water, or tea.  Continue to drink enough water and eat cleansing foods to keep the bowels moving. Cleansing the colon at this time is imperative to prevent the body from becoming overloaded with toxins from parasite die-off. Use the CAC liquid (colon, liver and blood cleanser).

3 – STRENGTHEN and balance body organs and systems with a variety of whole foods, nutrients and probiotics. We recommend using non-dairy acidophilus capsules. Herbs that help cleanse the blood are also recommended, such as drinking daily health tea every day. This step helps prevent re-infestation.

Instructions For 90 days:

Garlic capsules #2261: Take 3-4 capsules daily. 

Supergreen foods liquid #1407: Take 12-24 drops 3-4 times per day.

Paracan parasite removal formula #1342: Take ½- 1 tablespoon, straight or in water/juice every 3-4 times per day. 10 days on, 10 days off.

Diatomaceous earth #4715: Take 1 tablespoon daily in juice, water, or tea 2 times per day

CAC liquid #1078: Take 1 tspn- 1 tblspn (depending on sensitivity, start out with lowest dosage and slowly work up to max dosage) 2 times per day.

Daily health tea #4170: Drink 1-3 cups per day (8-24 oz.) Can drink hot or cold and add raw honey or stevia for sweetner.

Acidophilus capsules #2030: Take 2-4 capsules 2 times per day.

Make sure to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day!

As little or NO read meat, refined sugar, or processed foods.

Eat ORGANIC raw vegetables & fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, grains and lots of water!

AND REMEMBER when doing a cleanse or detox people have been known to have flu like symptoms for a couple days. THIS IS NORMAL the toxins and parasites are dieing and being flushed from your system. so push through it and once completed you will feel the difference.*

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Free consultations:

Brittney Haywood

Dr. Bishop Truman Berst
Good Shepherd Ministries

Health & Herbs

Disclaimer: The information presented herein by is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.